From the moment Trump said: Russia if you’re listening, find me 30,000 votes...he smelled like Putin’s Puppet - the military must act to Defend the Constitution against all GOP Domestic Enemies!
This is the morning after the State of the Russki Satellite address. And people will be busily parsing and chronicling the taste and smell, but not what must be done to stop the Bloodless Coup from scuttling Ship America.
Although I did not watch the shit show for a second, or the Democrat rebuttal, or the lame talking heads analyzing self-evident shit, if there is one take away from the last decade it is crystal clear Democrats have not had the guts to directly confront the war against Democracy and take action! Democrats have not faced the SELF-EVIDENT: the Russian Asset in the Oval, and his band of GOP Domestic Enemy Traitors – DO NOT CARE ABOUT PROTESTS, The Rule of law, OR THE CONSTITUTION. Sociopath-psychopaths do not care about victims including country. And it has been reported, but not acknowledged by Democrat leaders or talking heads, that numerous GOP Domestic Enemy Leaders have been compromised by Russki Oligarchs’ political donations/ bribes to support their boss’ Puppet. And a prudent person would conclude they do care about poison and defenestration, as they are well aware of the War Criminal’s border-less reach.
Irrationally, Democrats still act like following the rule of law will somehow make America a Democracy Again? Filing legal actions to stop the Fascist Putsch have no teeth if ultimately the AG and DOJ will not enforce decisions favorable to Democracy. Subpoenas issued to Jim Jordan were disregarded, but Hillary Clinton endured 10 plus hours of a GOP “Spanish” inquisition based solely on lies, fallacious innuendos, naked assertions and irrelevant questions. Trump as a citizen was convicted of rape, felony fraud, and under prosecution in 2 federal courts and the Atlanta court for the worst crimes in the history of the USA, all underscored by: USC ART. III, SEC 3. “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” Where did the prosecutions go?
Never has a Supreme Court, in the control of a Republican majority, issued a Landmark decision removing a President from personal immunity for unlawful acts in violation of the Constitution, or personal criminal acts as a citizen.
Under the circumstances, is it rational to question that the military is not obligated to honor and carry out the Oath that I took to attend USNOCS in the fall of ‘64 – “TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION AGAINST foreign AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES.”
Enlistment oath - U.S.C. Title 10 - ARMED FORCES
87–751 substituted “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same” for “bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies .. [This does not say support a monarch or President]
U.S. Department of Defense (.gov) › News-Stories › Article › Article
Fast forward to 2021: In an unprecedented message, the members of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff told service members that the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol was an attack on the Constitutional process of the nation…the chiefs wrote… ‘Any act to disrupt the constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values and oath, it is against the law.’” (1/13/21)
· War Room - U.S. Army War College › articles › oath-of-...
Jan 7, 2022 — "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Words spoken by every military ... (the Oath I took to attend USNOCS on 19/Sept/64 - which has no expiration date, and I still follow.)
THIS IS A MATTER OF HISTORICALLY UNPRECEDENTED MAGNITUDE! Do not look for any precedents to back up doing what is necessary and morally right to defeat the GOP Fascist Coup to stop the path toward making the United States a Russian Satellite.
What would George Washington or Abraham Lincoln do? Did Washington concern himself with what King George or his supporters thought, or focus on what was morally right? And Lincoln went to war against American traitors. A SELF-EVIDENT RUSSIAN ASSET/DOMESTIC ENEMY IN THE OVAL can be considered Commander in Chief by the U. S. Military??
Do American Citizens who care about the Constitution and Democracy have the courage of the Americans who rushed from landing crafts to defend Democracy in WWII -- to unite nationally in a laser focused Putsch demanding that Congressional Democrat Leaders’ call for a unanimous vote to issue a mandate to TOP MILITARY BRASS to step up to the line to honor and carry out the OATH to Defend the Constitution against Self-Evident GOP Domestic Enemies - and order the military to take all the traitors from the Oval down into military custody for a military Nuremberg tribunal?
It’s time to act………………………