What Americans Can Do to Overcome
During the election of 2024, Americans failed – not Harris/Walz. And the protected Free Press was fundamentally COMPLICIT. MLK Jr. noted so many years ago: no group has suffered more prejudice than people of color, except women. He left out Jews, scapegoated for eons, but Harris was double whammed. It is self-evident union members and so many others who did not show up - are/were guilty of allowing endemic prejudice to override reason - irrational to the Nth, considering their self-defeating votes or lack thereof.
And the Democrats - too civil to fight the right way against THE RUSSIAN ASSET & HIS COMPLICIT GOP CONGRESSIONAL ENABLERS - operate as if the Rule of Law is controlling. It is also self-evident Garland and his DOJ were fundamentally COMPLICIT.
Nothing could be clearer that it’s way past time to stop the Democratic pretense of how candidates are selected, to deal with the Fascist takeover. Winning a war is not democratic! Democrats must reach an agreement within the upper echelons of Democrats’ leadership nationally, to acknowledge reality, and make certain to run the toughest most courageously outspoken individuals with the best odds to win --- because the only policy is to restore Democracy by winning the war against Russki Oligarch Bribed GOP Fascists. Running an army is not democratic! And breaking ceilings is a geometrically uncertain path to defeating GOP Fascists; let’s acknowledge that America is rife with endemic bigots as well as borderline defectives, like the globe. Now is the worst time in American History for Democrats to be role models for (WTF) GOP Fascist TRAITORS?
Let's keep in mind 2016, and the lack of support for Hillary in 3 swing states, when Bernie Bots, far left Marxist Socialists, voted green for Jill Stein, a self-evident Russian Stalking Horse - who Putin imported to lunch with him and General Flynn in December of 2015. Chris Hayes, Rachel Madow, Robert Reich and other “leftists,” supported Sanders - who has no pragmatic experience or understanding of practical economics (like most Americans) as a lifelong true admirer of Marxist Socialist Eugene V. Debs.
2026 is the year for UNITY, not differences of opinions. The only opinion that matters - stopping Fascism with the kind GOP unity that enabled the Fascist takeover. Winning WWII required the kind of unity we must have today.
And the head of the DNC matters... so if Dems don't pick Martin O'Malley, it will be more of the same shit. The last warrior to lead DNC to victory was Howard Dean, who did not adhere to the DNC inbreed pattern of self-defeating worn out "strategies." Do due diligence, determine why O’Malley stands out as the best possible choice, and has the best Democrats behind him - we need to agree in public.
We are at war - parsing or regurgitating Trump or Musk shit will not alter what is happening. It’s necessary to be particular about sociopath-psychopathic TRAITORS, not 6th grade name calling or snarky humor to defuse anxiety, which results in being inured to Fascist GOPs. There nothing funny about Putin’s Puppet or TREASON.
So it's time to fight back. Generals & Admirals, took the same oath that I took to attend USNOCS in the Fall of 64 - " defend the Constitution against foreign & DOMESTIC ENEMIES..." This oath does not include defending a Russian Asset in Oval, or any President, or SCOTUS GOP Justices that are Traitors. It's up to the Generals & Admirals to step up to the line to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION FROM THE FASCIST TAKE OVER - ENGINEERED BY PUTIN'S PUPPET MASTER. And up to all Americans concerned for Democracy to get everyone they know to understand ---
I have a couple of questions.
Do you think we will actually have elections in 2026?
I’m afraid somehow Trump will take them away with the blessing of the United States Supreme Court.
I have been following several people that have done analysis of the public information from the states about the election. They all agree that there has been some kind of manipulation with the vote. Even Trump has said if you comments before he took office that were quite concerning one was about Elon knowing how those vote counting machines work. Paxton and Texas there was a recording of him saying that he met with and that Trump was going to win all the swing states whatever kind of magic Elon does with those computer computers. It’s nice to have him on their side. Trump also said the night before the inauguration that.” they rigged the election so I won”
Even Dan Goldman and Jasmine Crockett or concerned about his statements. There are two newspaper reports about Goldman requesting an investigation. But that’s the last I found out about.
Here are the names of the organizations.
Election Truth
Dire talks on YouTube & Bluesky
There are other individual people as well.
Just asking what you think.
If you would like me to delete my comment after you read it, I don’t mind. I have found a lot of people don’t like talking about there being something wrong with the election. This just seems like an awfully big deal if he wasn’t elected by a free in fair election.
Also, Greg Palast, who has been researching voter suppression for 20+ years just came out with his report and it seems a lot of people‘s votes didn’t show up due to voter suppression. Like being kicked off the rolls by vigilantes something that was done by the KKK along time ago. Also millions of votes were tossed in the trash and there is Trump and his daughter-in-law Laura on video saying it doesn’t matter who votes it matters who counts the votes and that they were getting 100,000 people to work the elections. These election people tossed ballots due to signature not matching and silly stuff like that but you know, when people get older, their signatures don’t match. Anyway, Greg Palast has information on his website along with a video of his investigative journalism.
Thank you!
Dawn Reaume
Once again, Henry, we agree in full -- are there other groups akin to your Citizens for Truth now?
The lack of respect for Truth, even somewhat imperfect truth, in my book(metaphorically :-)) is exactly where the problem lies. As you know, there is a FACT DESERT out there, and, with the constant diet of disinformation and propaganda spewing into red voters' living rooms from Fox News and other mercenary platforms, even if news of massive protests make it through without unanimous derision from "hosts," without any independent print or digital local news to counter it, will Truth create any other response than cognitive dissonance, and a change of channel to a more comfortable, easy to digest stream?
I also have the same concern as Dawn Reaume that, at the current pace, 2026 will be waaaay too late, and that analyses of November's election results produced some odd statistics worth questioning, and fear that we are again, back on our heels -- and Democrats made their own bed on that one.
But Henry, I thoroughly agree with you that we have no other choice but to do battle. For example, as much as I love Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's relative gentility, logic, and passion when addressing the Senate, this is no time for good manners, or even reason, when addressing the floor, or the public.
Why have the Dems not learned that, despite their stubbornly-held apparent delusion - or at least behavioral insistence -- that they are speaking to a room of responsible and accountable government leaders, all of the Democratic spokespeople's and government office-holders' spot-on correctly reasoned attacks on Trump's soulless soldiers in our government amounts to no greater effect on that red wall than the same "WAH, WAH" that adults sound like in the world of the "Peanuts" cartoon characters? (Rhetorical question.)
The GOP's derisive mockery of those speeches, and gloating over how "gullible" Democrats are, has been far more audible and memorable. In the Cult of Trump and the oligarchs, truth, morality, and ethics are for suckers.
Nonetheless, as it sounds like Citizens for Truth attempted, the Tsunami needs to be one of blue voters flooding the red zones with FACTS, organizations and anti-propaganda campaigns getting truthful information about what and who Trump really is to red voters.
If ANYTHING wakes up a core group of red voters to how victimized they are -- by more than prices -- there will be at least some pressure on the GOP representatives in both houses to sober up and give up their own illusion that the Executive Branch is on their side.
Maybe the facts about the protests will get some at least some shelf-space on the media programs of the outlets red voters frequent.
Maybe, if they get past their own cognitive dissonance those voters will wake up -- if there is enough information that gets through -- to the point where personal charges are brought against those corrupt and venal government officials who have sought to defraud those voters in order to get elected. And, maybe, they will live in states with courageous or blue attorney generals.
Keep those posts coming Henry, I appreciate them!